
My loved one is in prison. Can I enroll their children in Angel Tree Christmas?

Angel Tree is a program designed to serve children and families of the incarcerated. The process begins with the incarcerated parent(al figure) requesting an application from the chaplain in their facility. Prison chaplains first receive the applications in June. Once completed the application must be returned to the chaplain who then sends it to Prison Fellowship. There is a postmarked deadline of October 1, 2024, that Prison Fellowship must receive applications by.

The incarcerated parent(al figure) must be legally allowed to contact the child(ren).

Check with your incarcerated loved one during the summer months to learn if Angel Tree is offered in their facility. If the facility does not have Angel Tree, you can email and request we mail an application to your loved one. You will need to include the prisoner's name, DOC#, and complete mailing address.

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